Jumat, 12 April 2013

How to Redesign Your Room

Edited by Zack, Hpfreak, Michael Delaney, Flickety and 14 others
sources : http://www.wikihow.com
Many people get bored of rooms that have been the same for a long period of time. As it is your room, why hate it when you could easily turn it into a room you love to spend time in?


  1. 1
    Walls - First, Decide whether you want to decorate them, paint them, or both. Choose a colour you like. Try to have a color in your room, like green and purple. Pick something lasting, but nothing too bright unless you want a headache. If you want to paint them, you might want your parents' help.

  2. 2
    Then, if you want, you can decorate your walls with dozens of posters, collages, or calendars.

  3. 3
    Next, look around at your furnitureCategorize them in 3 ways;Stuff to keep the same, Stuff to get rid of, and Stuff to paint or decorate.

  4. 4
    After that, take the stuff you want to get rid of, if it's in good condition, & put it in a bag to take to Goodwill. For items you decide to paint or decorate, paint it any color you want. Make sure that it matches your theme, if you have one.

  5. 5
    Re-arrange your room so it looks as if your walking into a new room.

  6. 6
    Remember to keep your room neat. No room looks nice with a heap of clothes in the middle of the floor, food remains, and decaying papers scattered on the floor. Nothing drastic - just put your clothes in your hamper or in the closet, limit messy papers to your desk and try to get rid of all food remains.



  • Also remember make it YOU! :)
  • Try not to have too much stuff in your room. I mean, do you really need two chairs, a bunch of useless junk, a dozen rugs, and 3 wastebaskets?


  • Get your parents permission before anything extreme- They WILL explode!!

Article Info

Categories: Budget Decorating
Recent edits by: Caleb Beavers, Salma W., Earthquake Destruction
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sources : http://www.wikihow.com

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